Thursday, February 28, 2008

Under Age Drinking

1.) The percent of 8Th graders using alcohol is 48% in Sussex and national is 41%.
The percent of 12Th graders using alcohol is 88% in Sussex and national is 75%. This is basically stating that the older they get the more their going to want to drink.

The number of under age drinkers that got caught under the influence was 583 in 1996 and 651 in 2006. The more they drink the more danger there will be on the road.

2.) What i learned from reading these statistics is that the older teens get the more they want to drink and the more they drink the more dangerous it will be for them. I also saw that through out the years there is more and more under age teens getting arrested from drinking. What i also saw too was that the more they drink around other under age teens they would start too.

3.) In my opinion under age teens choose to consume and abuse alcohol because they think they are in charge, like adults. Since adults drink alcohol the under age teens think its OK because the adults do it, and because they think they are in control like the adults. Another thing is Pier pressure, the under age teens might think its OK since their friends do it so they can too, and just because their friends did it it makes them feel cool like the others, they think it makes them fit in with the crowd.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

1)In your opinion, do young people grow up too quickly in today's world? Give specific examples to back up your thoughts.

In my opinion young people do grow up too fast in today's world.

In today's world young people such as children do grow up fast because of the ways they learned when they were young. The way their parents treat and raise them give them like a kind of head start on their teenage and adult years, and also how their relatives and other family members react with them.

2) How is Gerald's life different from the life of an average high school student? How have these differences affected the kind of person he is growing up to be?

Gerald Spark's life is different from a normal high school student because he didn't grow up in a safe or reliant place. When he was growing up he was treated and taking care of poorly by his mother, such as the when he was playing with his moms cigarette lighter that he found on the ground; he then accidentally lit the apartment on fire. That problem occurred because she left him home by himself, and she left her lighter on the ground. He wouldn't know any better because he was only three years old. He was also had been beet by his mother because he would either do something wrong or she would come home drunk and beet him for no reason.

Being not the same as a normal teenage boy served a purpose because he has grown into a stronger and more confident teenager from being treated that way in his past. He now has a bigger responsibility now since his step-father has come back now he has to look after and keep a good eye on his sister and make sure Jordan doesn't go anywhere near her or harm her in any way.

3)A: Take on an adult responsibility
An adult responsibility I had to take is when I had to babysit my little sister because my parents went out. I had plans that day because I was going to my friends party, and my brother went to his friends party so he couldn't watch her either. I was so angry i couldn't go to my friend party that day because I had to babysit my sister. But my mom and dad had to go somewhere really important so I was stuck home with my little sister while my brother was enjoying his Saturday night and his friends party. This was one of the adult responsibility's.