Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Name Calling: This technique involves attaching a negative label to a person or a thing. Rather than explain what they believe in, they prefer to try to tear their opponent down.
Name calling applies to snowball in Animal Farm. Like how in chapter 4 Napoleon and Squealer attack snowball with negative labels and telling everyone how snowball is a traitor and a negative influence on everyone, and he was the one who broke and destroyed everything on the farm, just so the others would look up to Napoleon and follow in his footsteps.
PROPAGANDA - or persuasion used to manipulate a reader/viewer's thoughts and emotions, is something that we deal with - consciously or unconsciously - on a regular basis. Propaganda also refers in the book between napoleon and squealer. Like practically throughout the whole book when the two pigs squealer and napoleon are trying to "manipulate" everyone to worship and believe in him that they will keep the farm better than it was when Mr. Jones was running it. They are trying to manipulate and influence everyone to stay on his side and not to overthrow him to make the farm a better place.

Plain Folks: This technique uses a folksy approach to convince us to support someone or something. These ads depict people with ordinary looks doing ordinary activities.
Plain Folks refers a lot towards Animal Farm, because throughout the whole book the Napoleon and Squealer are trying to convince everyone that they should stay the leaders and that the farms is twice as better now that it was when Mr. Jones was in charge of the farm; and finally the other animals should always follow him and do what told because supposedly Napoleon is a great leader and should stay the leader for the Animal Farm.

Plain Folks: This technique uses a folksy approach to convince us to support someone or something. These ads depict people with ordinary looks doing ordinary activities.
Plain Folks refers to me because when I wanted a dog I was making trying to convince everyone in voting to get it.For example I was convincing everyone how great it would be to have a family pet and how it would treat us responsibility and how everyone would just enjoy it.And we eventually got the dog but had to give it away when my sister was born.

Bandwagon: The "bandwagon" approach encourages you to think that because everyone else is doing something, you should do it too, or you'll be left out.
Bandwagon refers to me a couple of times because when I was little everything my brother did I basically wanted to do too. I always looked up to him and though that everything he does is cool so I would eventually do the same. And I still do look up to him but we do stuff a little different now.

1 comment:

Ms. Strout said...

*Good example for name calling!
*"Propaganda" is not a propaganda technique.
*Your examples for plain folks does not make sense in terms of what the plain folks technique means.
*This post was not published by 7pm Sunday night. I checked multiple times past 7, also, and the last entry on your page was your Night post.
